jueves, 15 de abril de 2010



Here you will find information about one of the many outstanding professors of the University of Papaloapan.

Meet Pablo Rodrigo...

He borned in the Mexico D.F city in 1977 during his childhood his mom got he to know the race cars,he studied in the Orizaba Technologic the carrer of Informatic,He graduated in 2000, He has came to work in the University of Papaloapan.Actually he give class for the Computation carrer the asignatures that he gives are:Programation,Introduccion to the Computacion,Artificial Intelligence,etc.The degree mout high that he studied is Master of Computational Science with speciality in Artificial Intelligence, in the area Artificial Vision.

2 comentarios:

  1. En este trabajo en particular aprendi a manejar un poco mejor las preguntas y al pasar las respuestas que me dio el profesor a un texto fue un poco sencillo ya algunas palabras u oraciones ya sabia como escribirlas...
    Bueno nos vemos....

  2. **Wow** this is a good piece of work you did!

    Here are a few changes for you.
    --write shorter sentences--.

    Like this:
    He WAS born in the Mexico D.F city in 1977.

    During his childhood his mom got him to know the race cars.

    He studied in the Orizaba Technologic the carreer of Informatic.

    He graduated in 2000.

    He has come to work in the University of Papaloapan.

    Currently, he giveS classES for the Computation carrer.

    The classes that he gives are: Programation,Introduccion to Computacion, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

    The HIGHEST degree that he studied is Master of Computational Science with speciality in Artificial Intelligence, in the area Artificial Vision.
